The Development and Diversity Specialist is an integral part of the Development Department Team, contributing to Powell Gardens’ fundraising, donor engagement, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts. This role is responsible for assisting with the strategic use of data to support development initiatives, including identifying potential donors and optimizing outreach efforts. The Development Specialist will play a key role in the execution of the annual fund, bench dedication program, direct mail, email campaigns, and other initiatives aligned with Powell Gardens’ overall development goals. This position supports the department’s goal of fostering lasting relationships with donors and ensuring successful fundraising outcomes.
The Specialist, Development and Diversity will also focus on outreach to organizations in the greater Kansas City area, including small and rural communities that surround Powell Gardens to increase awareness and participation among diverse communities. This role will listen to feedback from underrepresented audiences, evaluate the opportunities learned, clarify, recommend action steps to adapt existing programs and initiatives through tracking annual data.
Applicants interested in this position must submit the following to hr@powellgardens.org.
• Cover letter
• Resume
• Three references: professional, academic, and/or personal
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