Children's Garden

Visit the Gardens

About the Children’s Garden

Children of all ages are invited to learn about the outdoors through plant and play exploration in our two-acre Children’s Garden. 

The Children’s Garden provides countless opportunities for children of all ages to explore the wonders of science and nature. A family friendly space, follow a stone path through tunnels, walk on garden tool balance beams, plant your own garden, and climb up in oversized chairs.

Nearby, a colorful maze features sound elements to make music with rain sticks, a drum set made from fallen trees, root talker, frog noise makers, and a piano. Next to the maze is an inviting water court and stream. Play and learn about water-loving plants and insects. Be certain to check on the goldfish in the water basin by the rain garden.

Picnic tables under the eaves of the Education Building provide a shady spot for lunch or a snack near a play potting shed and planting area. Take off your shoes and give the Sensory Walk a try!

Follow the sidewalk to the Native Butterfly Habitat. The tent is activated in the summer months with native caterpillars and butterflies. Annual and perennial butterfly gardens feature both host and nectar plant for eight native species—six swallowtails, monarchs, and painted ladies.

Next to the Native Butterfly Habitat is a large pond that is home to numerous frogs and a snapping turtle. When it’s time to head home, follow the natural pathway through the Butterfly Meadow to return to the Heartland Harvest Garden, Pollinator Playground, and Visitor Center.

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