Conservation at Powell Gardens

Get Involved

Powell Gardens’ stewardship actions are a dynamic application of restoration strategies, including engaging valuable partners, as we work to restore the living landscape which supports our botanical gardens.

Actions to preserve and uphold the integrity of our ecological communities include reintroducing prescribed fire across the landscape, balancing competition from invasive species, and improving biodiversity within our habitat reconstructions through thoughtful species additions.

Connect with the Midwest Landscape

Powell Gardens is passionate about connecting people to the landscape of our region throughout the seasons through educational courses, citizen science projects, and conservation volunteer opportunities. We encourage our visitors to observe our restoration progress throughout the Powell Gardens landscape.

Conservation Insights

Ona’s Prairie

Located in Southwest Pettis County, MO, Ona’s Prairie is a 40-acre tallgrass prairie supporting a diversity of plant and animal species. Positioned within a Conservation Opportunity Area, Ona’s Prairie is a living representative of a pre-settlement landscape in North America.

Learn Moreabout Ona’s Prairie

Get Involved

Learn more about volunteering with the Conservation Crew at Powell Gardens to help support conservation efforts across the property!


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