Marlese Lowe Gourley Island Garden

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About the Marlese Lowe Gourley Island Garden

The centerpiece of a 12-acre lake, the Marlese Lowe Gourley Island Garden features a variety of aquatic plants and provides stunning lakeside views of the Marjorie Powell Allen Chapel. 

This area is undergoing renovations through 2023 but will remain open to visitors.

Opened in 2001, the Marlese Lowe Gourley Island Garden is a seasonal jewel of Powell Gardens. Tiered pools in this water garden offer a diverse array of aquatic plants and designed garden beds. Featured aquatic plants and wildlife include waterlilies, taro, umbrella palms, and friendly goldfish which fill the pools with texture, color, and movement. The lotus and waterlily collections have been designated as certified collections by the International Waterlily and Water Gardening Society.

As visitors traverse the winding path through this area, they will encounter the Sunken Garden, a hidden space enclosed by stone walls and flower beds leading to a two-tiered pool housing lotus.

Continuing along the pathway, view water-loving shrubs including Virginia sweetspire, buttonbush, and summersweet clethra along the shoreline of the 12-acre lake. Look for water-loving perennials such as iris, rose mallows, and cattails near the arbor and viewing deck.

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