About Ona’s Prairie
Ona’s Prairie, located in Southwest Pettis County, MO, is a 40-acre tallgrass prairie supporting a diversity of plant and animal species.
Positioned within a Conservation Opportunity Area, Ona’s Prairie is a living representative of a pre-settlement landscape in North America.
Ona Gieschen
Ona’s spirit of adventure and discovery was apparent throughout her life. Ona carried her Missouri roots around the world during her successful 40-year career as an Air Hostess with Trans World Airlines, including leading the crew in “The Great World Air Cruise of 1970.” On weekends, one could most often find Ona on her prairie, a natural community which had been settled by earlier Gieschen’s in the mid-1800s, managing plants, or preparing for tours with other prairie enthusiasts in the region.
At Ona’s passing, Powell Gardens acquired ownership and management responsibility of this treasured community. Powell Gardens is grateful for Ona’s generosity and for the generations of stewards who have preserved this special ecological community.

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