Volunteer At Kansas City's Botanical Garden

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Volunteers are invaluable to fulfilling the mission of Powell Gardens. It takes thousands of service hours to maintain the Gardens and offer meaningful experiences for our public visitors.

Volunteers can commit to a weekly, monthly, or recurring schedule to help our staff continue Powell Gardens’ beautification and sustainability.

There are a variety of different areas in which volunteers are needed: administration, development, docents, events, and gardens.

Individuals and groups are welcome. Simply sign-up here or below or contact volunteer@powellgardens.org for more information.

Volunteer Sign Up and Login

Volunteer Perks

Powell Gardens and its various offerings would not be possible if not for dedicated volunteers. To showcase our gratitude for those efforts, volunteers can receive the following perks and more:

  • Appreciation cards
  • T-shirts
  • Garden membership
  • Event passes
  • Discount concessions
  • Customized name tags

Types of Volunteers Needed

Did you know?

Many companies offer volunteer grant programs, also known as “Dollars for Doers”? Through these programs, companies provide monetary donations to eligible nonprofits such as Powell Gardens as a way to recognize employees or retired employees who volunteer.

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